
Who owns the Novel copyright

  Who owns the Novel copyright You need to know first that as soon as you put an idea into a fixed form, you own its copyright, whether it’s published or not unless the work was made for hire. Generally, in most countries with some exceptions copyright and any copyrighted material last for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years after he passed away. The novel is some sort of creative work that might result from collaborative work, in this case, all the contributors will own the copyright. So what is novel copyright permission? Copyright permission is a process of getting permission from the copyright owner to use the copyrighted material in whatever you have agreed to, Generally, the publisher is the copyright owner and has the authority to approve or refuse for reuse. This moves us to the next part, what is novel copyright infringement ? read more on baianat intellectual property

whiteboard animation services

  whiteboard animation services The video animator company will provide you with guidance every step of the way: it is more than just designing the video you have requested; you get professional consultation in every aspect of the video, like brainstorming ideas for the video, choosing the best storyline, characters, and audio rather than just plain whiteboard animation. The animation team handles everything to do with the video, the storyboard, and the illustrations while all you have to do is explain your vision and purpose for the video. The resulting animated video will be more complex and refined than the simple whiteboard animation.

what is corporate explainer videos

  what is corporate explainer videos A corporate explainer video is a video that tells your stakeholders more about your business. Whether you want to explain your strategy for the upcoming quarter or present your financial progress to your shareholders, a corporate explainer video will smoothly fulfill your needs. You can kiss the boring PowerPoint presentations goodbye!

Explainer Videos for Hr

  Explainer Videos for Hr All this tedious work can be solved by using explainer videos and/or animated videos for the success of your company. An HR department needs to make sure that any means of communication is crucial and that eminent procedure is to be dealt with accordingly. That is where video animation companies come in, working their magic with explainer videos, as well as whiteboard animation videos. Why not give it a try and see how easy your tasks will become, and most importantly, how beautifully your messages will be conveyed? Let’s get started!

مشروع بيع منتجات العناية بالبشرة

  مشروع بيع منتجات العناية بالبشرة ي دور التسويق الالكتروني في مجال التجارة حيث تبرز أهميته من خلال استقطاب العدد الأكبر من المشاهدين وتشجيعهم على الطلب وإقناعهم بشراء السلع المروّج لها. ومن أشهر السّلع المطلوبة اليوم هي مستحضرات التجميل ومنتجاتها المتعدّدة والتي باتت من الأولويات الضرورية لدى السيّدات. هذا المجال التجاري يلاقي رواجاً كبيراً خاصة في ميدان العمل من بُعد دون تكلفة عالية ويعود على صاحب المشروع بأرباح عالية إذا ما أتقن تصميمه وإعداده بذكاء وفطنة وتدبير. فهذه المشاريع الصغيرة يُقبل عليها الكثيرون اليوم خاصة النساء وربّات البيوت بهدف إنشاء عمل خاص بهنّ لتامين مدخول مادي بشكل مستقل من دون رأسمال عالٍ.

What are the benefits from using Whiteboard Animation Videos

  What are the benefits from using Whiteboard Animation Videos ? Whiteboard animation videos have taken the sales and the advertising industry by storm. It is an innovative and efficient tool to advertise and market your business’ products and/or services. Should you decide to integrate it into your business’ marketing strategy, the benefits are abundant.

What Is a Video Landing Page

  What Is a Video Landing Page ? A video landing page is a landing page that contains a video about the main topic under discussion. It increases the level of engagement and conversions by up to 20%. People’s short attention span is the most important reason why you need to create a video landing page. 

Canada explainer video

  Canada explainer video Canada’s explainer video: Canada’s growing economy has been home to all kinds of established businesses and new startups competing for customers’ attention. Some of the best explainer video firms were created in the region in order to meet their marketing demands and provide an opportunity for all these businesses to expand their customer base and build a positive and durable image of themselves in people’s minds. So as you look for opportunities to improve your marketing strategy by implementing explainer videos, it would probably serve you well to look at Canada’s explainer video companies to help take your business to the next level. But what makes Canada’s explainer video companies so special?

What is Whiteboard Animation

  What is Whiteboard Animation ? Whiteboard Animation is a process where a creative story and static images are being drawn on a whiteboard, or a whiteboard-like surface. They are often accompanied by a narration that draws the audience and walks them through the story that is unfolding right in front of their eyes. The technique used to create Whiteboard Animated videos is commonly known as stop-motion. It makes inanimate objects appear to move on their own.

Inbound Marketing Delight

  Inbound Marketing Delight When it comes to adopting an Inbound Strategy, delighting and consistently engaging with them is of paramount importance to sustain growth. Therefore, the goal during the delight stage is to strengthen customer loyalty towards your brand. A happy customer base will definitely encourage them to share their experience with their friends and acquaintances, thereby boosting your business’ exposure, reach and reputation. 

animated explainer video pricing

  animated explainer video pricing In this article we are going to take a look at the different pricing ranges to creating animated explainer videos, the factors behind said pricing, and why it is the best format available to promote your business, your corporate image, and your brand.

Christian Jesus Cross Pendant

  Christian Jesus Cross Pendant Product information: Type: Necklace Style: Unisex individual package Chain style: Pearl titanium steel chain Whether multi-layer: No Whether to wear a pendant: Yes

مميزات التسويق عبر البريد الالكتروني

  مميزات التسويق عبر البريد الالكتروني التكلفة البسيطة: لا يمكن أن تجد أداة تسويق أقل تكلفة من البريد الالكتروني وبنفس النتائج. فلا يكلفك الكثير مقارنة مع وسائل التسويق الحديثة والتقليدية. فيحقق البريد الإلكتروني عوائد استثمار قيمتها 42 دولار مقابل كل دولار تنفقه على التسويق عبر البريد الالكتروني. الاستهداف المباشر للعملاء: إن كل وسائل الدعاية والإعلان تستهدف جمهوراً واسعاً، مهما كان كبيرا أو صغيرا مثل فئة محددة في المجتمع. ولكن يستهدف البريد الالكتروني كل عميل أو مستخدم باسمه الخاص بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر. كما تستطيع من خلاله أن تعدل نص الرسائل بناء على احتياجات العميل ورغباته وسلوكه، وبالتالي، هذه الدقة والتخصيص في الاستهداف يكوّن علاقة شخصية وطيدة بين العميل وعلامتك التجارية، وترفع من نسبة استجابة العملاء أو المستخدمين لرسائلك.

Intellectual property rights in cyberspace PDF

  Intellectual property rights in cyberspace PDF Different forms of IP rights are often violated through activities such as software piracy, cybersquatting, and trademark infringement. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting these digital assets from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. The major concern in intellectual property law in cyber security is copyright infringement, This occurs when certain work is used without the permission of the owner, leading to unauthorized profit. Some of the famous examples of copyright infringement are copying content from certain websites and adding it to another one.

Motion Graphics Animated Explainer Video

  Motion Graphics Animated Explainer Video In this age of information, people seek knowledge about a product or a process, and it has never been easier than it is now. People could search for an item they bought but didn’t know how to use properly, or even an explanation of a governmental or bureaucratic process.  While a smartly-dressed professional person talking to you over a video can get the job done, people often need just a bit more to make it engaging and hold their attention. This is where motion graphics animated explainer videos come in. If a different style is needed, then whiteboard animation could be more appropriate.

how to create whiteboard animations

  how to create whiteboard animations The technique used to create Whiteboard Animated videos is commonly known as stop-motion. It makes inanimate objects appear to move on their own. 

b2b inbound marketing strategy

  b2b inbound marketing strategy The finished products can only then become available for individuals via B2C transactions. The rise of the Internet and the Digital era has marked a tectonic shift in the way Business-to-Business companies conduct their transactions. They now use e-commerce as the driving force to achieve increased profit margins, revenues and business growth.   The B2B industry has indeed strived to expand and innovate over the past few years in light of technological progress being made available. 

Inbound Marketing Attract Stage

  Inbound Marketing Attract Stage It is also imperative that your business creates content. After all, the mantra of Inbound Marketing is “Content is King”. Granted, business owners and entrepreneurs have a lot on their plate as it is. Devoting time and resources to content creation may seem like an overcomplication in daily business operations, but that is not the case. Content creation is one of the most effective and practical marketing strategies that your brand can use to attract and reach prospects

بيع منتجات التجميل

  بيع منتجات التجميل أولاً: إنشاء موقع إلكتروني إنشاء موقع إلكتروني مجاني وسهل الاستخدام على محرّكات البحث المشهورة، أو استخدام حساب شخصي على مواقع التواصل الأكثر استخداماً من قبل الجمهور. ويتمثّل هذا العمل من خلال إنشاء صفحات على فيسبوك وانستغرام، أو تشكيل مجموعات على واتساب وتلغرام، والتي تتيح للمستخدمين الاطّلاع على المنتجات وتفاصيلها بدقة وسهولة من دون كلفة إضافية.

Inbound Marketing eCommerce

  Inbound Marketing eCommerce  n the other hand, the online market is getting increasingly competitive and some businesses are having a hard time competing due to the overcrowded landscape of online retail. While reasons may vary from one company to the other, many of them are having trouble attracting and enticing customers to make a purchase at their online store.   When it comes to digital stores, consumers are constantly trying to search for businesses that have something unique and original to offer, and not just listing out a product or a service online. In other words, they prefer businesses that can organically persuade them to make a purchase.  

فوائد التسويق بالمحتوى

  فوائد التسويق بالمحتوى التّسويق بالمحتوى له أهمية كبيرة، فهو من أهم الطّرق للحفاظ على صلة الوصل بينك وبين العميل وجذب عملاء جدد. ومن أهم فوائد التّسويق بالمحتوى التي نعمل في شركتنا على اتباعها وأخذها بعين الإعتبار هي على الشكل الآتي : إن العلاقة بين العميل وشركتك هي علاقة طرديّة، أي كلّما زاد المحتوى التّسويقي الجذّاب والملفت، زادت معه ثقة العميل في الشّركة وفي المنتجات التي يقدّموها. ومن المهم أن تعرف أن تقديمك لهذا المحتوى بهذا المستوى من الجودة وبدون مقابل مادّي، من شأنه تعزيز الروابط بينك وبين العميل وتحسين سمعة الشّركة ورفع اسمها عالياً. وهذا بالتّأكيد ما ستصل إليه عند التّعامل معنا.